I, currently, only use two applications where I am directly interaction with an AI for my day to day activities, Midjourney and ChatGPT
Midjourney is a pretty simple use case. I'm a visual person, and also enjoying describing things in a visual way. I use Midjourney to add color and some nice visuals to random parts of my job to make it more interesting.
[Me sitting in front of a computer generating art through AI]
The other one that I use daily is ChatGPT, both through the web application and the brand new iOS app.
On web, I'm mostly using it for any form of writing software... it has tremendously changed the way I write programs. I ask it for a framework of which to think about the software to write, and sometimes get it to write the software myself and then I copy it over after poring through to see if the logic actually follows my intent. If not, I fix any bugs and then add it in. This is an absolute game changer for the productivity of developers, you can get so much more done! Though, sometimes it feels like you are moving too fast and leaving potential surface area for bugs, this is the current stage of the learning curve for me.
On mobile it's a totally different use case for me: studying history and getting book summaries. I have an ever expanding book list that I have not been getting through, and I've learned that many non-fictions books can be compressed into a smaller, concise lesson. So, why not get AI to provide that lesson for me? What about Roman history? Or the rise of China through it's different leaders? How about Abraham Lincoln's political journey towards becoming President? Anything that your mind is curious for, ChatGPT can give you an answer, and very simply allows for follow up questions so you can go deeper. All on your phone. And now, I am focusing on enjoying reading fiction :)
There are probably so many other reasons to use AI, but it's here and if you use it everyday it could be as transformative as Google was when it was finally able to index the world's information and provide you key answers.